BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Engine (N62TU V8)


 Engine, General

 Danger Of Poisoning If Oil Is Ingested/Absorbed Through The Skin

Danger of poisoning! Ingesting oil or absorbing through the skin may cause poisoning! Possible symptoms are: Headaches Dizziness Stomach aches Vomiting Diarrhoea Cramps/fits Unconsciousness P

 Checking Absolute Compression Of All Cylinders

Diagnosis and Information System (DIS) Fig. 4: Identifying Diagnosis And Information System (DIS) Necessary preliminary tasks: Remove acoustic cover. Unfasten screws. Raise acoustic cover and remov


 The right place for children

Safety information Warning Unattended children or animals in the vehicle can cause the vehicle to move and endanger themselves and traffic, for instance due to the following actions: Pressing the Start/Stop button. Releasing the parking brake. Opening and closing the doors or windows. Engaging

 Adjusting Camshaft Timing On Left Side (N62/N62TU)

Special tools required: 11 9 190 11 9 460 11 9 461 11 9 462 11 9 463 (cylinder bank 5 to 8) Necessary preliminary tasks: Check camshaft timing on left side. Remove left timing case cover. NOTE: When slackening screws, grip camshafts at hexagon head. Slacken screws of exhaust and inlet ad

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