BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Universal Transmission Bracket

Special tools required:


IMPORTANT: Front and rear supports (1) can be laterally adjusted by means of screws (2).

Carrier (3) of rear supports (1) can be longitudinally adjusted by means of screw.

Supports must be adapted in length and width to the transmission.

Transmission Assembly
Fig. 3: Identifying Front And Rear Supports Of Screws

Supporting transmission:

Support transmission with special tools 23 4 050, 23 0 132, 00 2 030.

IMPORTANT: Transmission must be secured with tensioning strap (1).

Transmission Assembly
Fig. 4: Identifying Tensioning Strap And Special Tools (23 4 050, 23 0 132, 00 2 030)


Special tools required:


IMPORTANT: Adapters and spindles must be adapted for positive locking to the transmission.

(Risk of injury)

Adapt adapters (1) and spindle with thrust piece (3) to transmission.

Adapt length with slide (2).

Screw in spindle (4).

IMPORTANT: Before mounting on assembly stand 00 1 450, check retaining bridge for secure seating.

Transmission Assembly
Fig. 5: Identifying Adapters, Thrust Piece And Spindle


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