BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Removing And Installing/Replacing Right Intermediate Levers (N62 From 9/03 And N62TU)

BMW X5 (G05) 2019-2025 Service & Repair Manual / Engine / Engine (N62TU V8) / Variable Valve Gear / Removing And Installing/Replacing Right Intermediate Levers (N62 From 9/03 And N62TU)

Special tools required:

(cylinder bank 1 to 4)

Removal of intermediate levers is described separately from installation.

Necessary preliminary tasks:

IMPORTANT: The inlet camshaft must first be rotated so that when the bearing bracket is removed the intermediate levers do not slip out and damage the camshaft.

Rotate inlet camshaft in direction of rotation until cam on 1st cylinder is positioned horizontally as shown in illustration.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 668: Locating Camshaft

IMPORTANT: Camshaft bearing caps of cylinders 1 to 4 and 5 to 8 must not be mixed up.

NOTE: Bearing caps of inlet camshaft are marked on cylinder bank 1 to 4 with L E1 to L E5 from inlet side.

Release nuts and remove bearing cap L E1.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 669: Locating Bearing Cap L E1 And Nuts

Release 8 nuts of bearing bracket (1) from outside to inside.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 670: Locating Camshaft Bearing Bracket And Nuts

NOTE: Rocker arms are freely accessible after bearing bracket has been removed.

Do "not" remove rocker arm (1) on inlet side.

IMPORTANT: Rocker arms (1) are divided into individual tolerance classes.

The tolerance classes are designated as illustrated with the numbers from 1 to 4.

Used rocker arms (1) may only be reused in the same position.

When replacing rocker arms (1) on inlet side: install rocker arms of the same tolerance class in the same position.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 671: Locating Rocker Arms On Inlet Side

Clamp special tool 11 9 470 as illustrated in a vice.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 672: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 470)

IMPORTANT: Do not tilt bearing bracket (1).

Carefully lift out bearing bracket (1).

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 673: Identifying Bearing Bracket

Place bearing bracket (1) with inlet camshaft and eccentric shaft as illustrated on special tool 11 9 470.

Secure bearing bracket (1) with a nut (special tool 11 9 473 ).

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 674: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 473) And (11 9 470)

IMPORTANT: The lower section of the bearing bracket (1) is machined with the cylinder head and must not be mixed up.

NOTE: Lower section of bearing bracket (1) remains on cylinder head.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 675: Identifying Lower Section Of Bearing Bracket

NOTE: The mounting of the bearing bracket described later can only be carried out if the inlet camshaft has not been axially displaced.

Special tools 11 9 472 and 11 9 475 prevent the inlet camshaft from rotating and moving while the intermediate levers are installed.

Fit special tool 11 9 472 and secure with special tool 11 9 47 5.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 676: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 474) And (11 9 472)

Insert special tool 11 9 474 and initially tighten without play.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 677: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 474) And (11 9 472)

NOTE: Removal of intermediate levers is described on 4th cylinder.

The same procedure is applicable to cylinders 1 to 3.

Raise one end of torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Lift out intermediate lever (2) and set down in an orderly fashion.

IMPORTANT: Keep holding torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 678: Identifying Intermediate Lever And Torsion Spring

Attach special tool 11 9 490 to end of torsion spring.

Support end of torsion spring protected with special tool 11 9 490 on inlet camshaft.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 679: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 480) And (11 9 490)

IMPORTANT: Intermediate levers (2) are divided into individual tolerance classes.

Only intermediate levers of the same tolerance class may be fitted in a single cylinder head.

The tolerance classes are designated as illustrated with the numbers from 1 to 5.

Used intermediate levers (2) may only be reused in the same position.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 680: Locating Intermediate Levers

Raise second end of torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Lift out intermediate lever (2) and set down in an orderly fashion.

IMPORTANT: Keep holding torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 681: Identifying Intermediate Lever, Torsion Spring With Special Tool (11 9 480)

Attach special tool 11 9 490 to second end of torsion spring.

Support end of torsion spring protected with special tool 11 9 490 on inlet camshaft.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 682: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 480) And (11 9 490)


Removal of intermediate levers is described separately from installation.

Clean all bearings and cams of inlet camshaft and lubricate with engine oil.

IMPORTANT: Intermediate levers (2) are divided into individual tolerance classes.

Only intermediate levers of the same tolerance class may be fitted in a single cylinder head.

The tolerance classes are designated as illustrated with the numbers from 1 to 5.

Used intermediate levers (2) may only be reused in the same position.

Lubricate all sliding surfaces on intermediate lever (2) with engine oil.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 683: Locating Intermediate Levers

Raise torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Remove special tool 11 9 490.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 684: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 480) And (11 9 490)

Hold torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Install intermediate lever (2) from above.

Insert end of torsion spring (1) into guide on intermediate lever (2).

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 685: Identifying Intermediate Lever, Torsion Spring With Special Tool (11 9 480)

Raise second end of torsion spring with special tool 11 9 480.

Remove special tool 11 9 490.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 686: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 480) And (11 9 490)

Hold torsion spring (1) with special tool 11 9 480.

Install intermediate lever (2) from above.

Insert end of torsion spring (1) into guide on intermediate lever (2).

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 687: Identifying Intermediate Lever And Torsion Spring

Remove special tool 11 9 474.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 688: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 474) And (11 9 472)

Remove special tools 11 9 472 and special tools 11 9 475.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 689: Identifying Special Tool (11 9 474) And (11 9 472)

Ends of compression rings (1) point upwards.

Make sure compression rings (1) are engaged at ends.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 690: Locating Compression Rings

IMPORTANT: Rocker arms (1) slip slightly when bearing bracket is fitted.

Make sure rocker arms (1) are secured as illustrated on hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements and on valves.

Align rockers (1) straight.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 691: Identifying Rocker Arms

Remove special tool 11 9 473.

Remove bearing bracket (1) from special tool 11 9 470.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 692: Identifying Camshaft Bearing Caps Of Cylinders

IMPORTANT: Do not tilt bearing bracket (1).

Lower bearing bracket (1) from above and carefully bring into contact with cylinder head.

Insert nuts and tighten by hand without play.

IMPORTANT: Make sure none of the intermediate levers or rocker arms have slipped out.

Tighten down nuts from inside to outside.

Tightening torque 11 31 1AZ.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 693: Locating Camshaft Bearing Bracket And Nuts

IMPORTANT: Camshaft bearing caps of cylinders 1 to 4 and 5 to 8 must not be mixed up.

Fit bearing cap L E1 in such a way that marking is legible from inlet side.

Install nuts and tighten down.

Tightening torque 11 31 1AZ.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 694: Locating Bearing Cap L E1 And Nuts

Rotate inlet camshaft at hexagon head against direction of rotation until cam on 1st cylinder points downwards at an angle as shown in illustration.

NOTE: The marking (1) on the hexagon drive of the inlet camshaft faces upwards.

Variable Valve Gear
Fig. 695: Locating Marking On Hexagon Drive Of Inlet Camshaft

Install inlet and exhaust adjustment unit on right side.

Install spark plugs on cylinder bank 1 to 4.

Install right cylinder head cover.

Install ignition coils on cylinder bank 1 to 4.

Install servomotor for right eccentric shaft.

Assemble engine.


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