BMW X5: Gap Dimensions, Body
The dimensions specified in this document are applicable at an object
temperature of 20ºC. The aim of
adjustment is to achieve a uniform join.
Symmetry of the gaps between left and right sides of the vehicle has top
The door gaps must not deviate between the front and rear gap by more than 1.0
No gap dimension are specified for components which cannot be adjusted.
Dimensions in mm
Fig. 5: Identifying Gap Dimensions Of Body
- A-pilar
- Side wall, front
- Front lid
- Headlights
- Front lid
- Side wall, front
Fig. 6: Identifying Gap Dimensions Of Body
Fig. 7: Identifying Gap Dimensions Of Body
Fig. 8: Identifying Gap Dimensions Of Body
- Cover, sill
Only on version with aluminum running board:
Dimension a = 7.0 +-0.6 mm
- Rear door
- Trim, wheel arch, rear
Fig. 9: Identifying Rear Door Gap Dimensions Of Body
Fig. 10: Identifying Trim, Wheel Arch And Rear Gap Dimensions Of Body
- Outer skin on roof
- Rear spoiler
- Rear lid, top
- Rear lid, bottom
- Rear side panel
- Rear lid, top/bottom
- Panel, bumper, rear
- Rear side panel
- Rear spoiler
Fig. 11: Identifying Rear Side Panel Gap Dimensions Of Body
- Rear window
- Rear side panel
Fig. 12: Identifying Rear Window Gap Dimensions Of Body
IMPORTANT: Conform with safety precautions !
The bonding surfaces must be kept free of all types of dirt and
contamination. Avoid leaving fingerprints.
Cleanliness is the golden rule for all bond
1.0 Recommended tools and equipment
To carry out outer shell grinding work by hand or machine, you must use
the recommended tools
and equipment.
The work area can be cleaned with conventional ex
1.0 Airbags and restraint systems
On vehicles with airbags and restraint systems, observe the relevant
safety instructions.
During straightening work on the body, you will be exposed to the risk
The air flow directions can be adjusted individually
for direct or indirect ventilation.
Setting the ventilation
General information
Open the air vents and position them to ensure
effective climate control.
Direct ventilation
The air flow is directed towards the passengers.
The air flow h
WARNING: Danger of poisoning if oil is ingested/absorbed through the
Risk of injury if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!
Observe country-specific waste-disposal regulations.
Measures if oil is unintentionally released:
Personal precautionary measures: Danger of slipping!