BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Grinding Aluminum Parts

1.0 Recommended tools and equipment

Weight-reduced aluminum front end structure (GRAV):

Z 8 Spaceframe structure:

2.0 Grinding outer shell and structure

Do not use any abrasives (grinding wheels, paper, etc.) which contain iron (risk of corrosion).

Always replace abrasives which have already been used to treat steel (risk of corrosion).

Use stainless steel wire brushes only (risk of corrosion).

Reduce speed of grinding machines. Excessive speeds cause a smearing effect.

Do not use coarse abrasive grains (only > or =. 80).

Do not grind notches into the material (risk of cracking).

Do not grind the material thin.

Grinding Steel Parts

1.0 Recommended tools and equipment

2.0 Grinding outer shell and structure

Always replace abrasives which have already been used to treat aluminum (risk of corrosion).

Do not grind the material thin.


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