The DISplus/GT-1 are helpful in pinpointing the cause of an engine misfire. Once the short test is completed, the fault memory of the ECM can be read out to determine which cylinder or cylinders have set misfire faults.
There may or may not be any faults present. The engine could be running rough, however no misfire thresholds may have been exceeded.
Engine smoothness can be further evaluated by looking at the smooth running values. In the "Control Unit Functions" screen under "Diagnosis Requests" there is a value indicated for each cylinder which can be compared for each cylinder. This value is an indication of crankshaft speed variations in each cylinder.
Fig. 23: Displaying Smooth Running Measurement
Valvetronic N62
In addition to the usual valvetrain diagnosis, the Valvetronic system has some additional components which need to be taken into consideration during diagnosis. The tolerances on the eccentric shaft and intermediate levers are critical in maintaining proper cylinder filling especially at idle. Any deviations in tolerances of these components will contribute to rough running complaints.
The intermediate levers are available in 5 classifications, the classification numbers are marked on the levers.
On the N62, each cylinder head must use intermediate levers with the same classification. It is not necessary to have the same classification between cylinder heads.
Fig. 24: Identifying Valvetronic N62
Depending on the engine/vehicle, the minimum valve lift can be set from.3 to.8 mm. At these low valve lifts, any variation in tolerance will affect idle quality. When a diagnosis determines that there is a problem in the Valvetronic system, the components need to be inspected. The intermediate levers or eccentric shaft can be worn. The intermediate levers could be of the wrong classification.
The illustration below shows a worn eccentric shaft. The areas shown should be inspected for any wear.
Grooves and scoring indicate a worn eccentric shaft which should be replaced.
Fig. 25: Identifying Camshaft Grooves
The following pages contain testing information which will assist in the diagnosis of idle quality concerns on the N62.
N62 Engine Testing
The N62 engine features Valvetronic which requires some specialized diagnostic procedures. Due the variable valve lift feature, there are some additional steps regarding engine and compression testing.
MKA Adapter
The Multi-Channel Adapter (MKA) tool is used in conjunction with the DISplus to diagnose ignition and injection system concerns on the N62 engine. The MKA adapter is installed (in series) between the ECM and the engine harness at connectors 1, 3 and 5. In addition the four cables of MFK 2 are plugged into the MKA as well.
Fig. 26: Identifying MKA Adapter
The MKA test module is found under the path > Service Functions > Drive > Engine Management ME9 > Test Runs > Ignition and Injection diagnosis N62.
The MKA engine test checks the integrity of the ignition system by looking at the primary ignition voltage on each cylinder.
The injection system is also checked by examining the voltage pattern of the injection circuit.
Compression Test N62
The compression can be tested on the N62 using the DISplus. The DISplus can perform a relative compression test and provide a comprehensive engine analysis report.
The compression test can be done at minimum valve lift as well as at maximum valve lift. This difference between these reading can assist in determining the root cause such as wear in Valvetronic components.
Fig. 27: Identifying DIS
When performing this test the following connections/cables are needed:
The test module will prompt you to warm up the engine to 90ºC. Once warmed up, you will be directed to run the engine at idle to set the minimum valve lift. Follow the on screen prompts. Once the minimum valve lift has been obtained (0.2 to 0.4 mm), disconnect both VVT motors to lock in the minimum adjustment.
Once this step in completed, shut the engine off and remove the #1 spark plug. Install the compression adapter into the spark plug hole. (Note: any cylinder can be used as long as the DISplus is set to the cylinder in use).
Follow prompts until test is completed.
Fig. 28: Identifying Compression Adapter
Fig. 29: Identifying TD Cable
Fig. 30: Absolute Compression Bar Graph
Once the test is completed, perform the same steps for the maximum valve lift. Compare the results, the results from the test at maximum valve lift should be slightly higher. Any cylinders that show low results on the minimum valve lift test which show improvements when the maximum valve lift test is performed should be checked for Valvetronic wear concerns.
During the final analysis potion of this test module, there may be on screen recommendations of repairs involving eccentric shaft or intermediate lever replacement. There may be a recommendation of changes to the classification of intermediate levers as well.
Manual Compression Test (N62)
Manual compression testing can also be done on the N62. However, the DISplus must still be used to set the minimum/maximum valve lift. To access the test module for manual compression testing, go to path > Service Functions > Drive > Engine Management ME9 > Test Runs > Compression Test.
Rough Running Diagnosis (N62)
Due to the design of the Valvetronic system, there are special diagnostic considerations when diagnosing rough running concerns on vehicles equipped with the N62 engine.
The following diagnostic flow chart should be used as a diagnostic aid when attempting to rectify idle quality complaints when the engine is at operating temperature.
Fig. 31: Rough Running Diagnosis (N62) Diagnostic Flow Chart (1 Of 3)
Fig. 32: Rough Running Diagnosis (N62) Diagnostic Flow Chart (2 Of 3)
Fig. 33: Rough Running Diagnosis (N62) Diagnostic Flow Chart (3 Of 3)