BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Contents Of Body, General

General information -> Quality standard.

-> Workshop equipment.

Safety regulations -> Safety at work.

-> Information on hazards.

-> Information on vehicle protection.

Materials -> Materials science.

-> Use of materials in outer shell.

Handling electrical/electronic equipment, airbags and restraint systems -> Handling electrical and electronic circuitry equipment and optical fibres.

-> Handling airbags and restraint systems.

Body dimensions -> Frame dimensions.

-> Gap dimensions.

Cavity bulkhead -> Installation of shaped parts.

-> Position of shaped parts.

Vehicle identification number -> Vehicle identification number, general.

-> Stamping vehicle identification number.

Repair techniques -> Straightening -> Straightening aluminum parts.

-> Straightening steel parts. -> Grinding -> Grinding aluminum parts. -> Grinding steel parts.

-> Welding and soldering steel parts.

-> Opening weld joints

-> Bonding -> Bonding aluminum parts.

-> Bonding steel parts.

-> -> Spot-weld bonding steel parts.

-> Opening adhesive bonds.

-> Riveting -> Riveting aluminum parts.

-> Riveting steel parts.

-> Repair elements ->Steel thread repairs.

NOTES ON REPAIRING THREADS> Corrosion protection.

Painting -> General Information.

-> Information / warning labels.

-> Sectional painting.


 Bonding Aluminum Parts

IMPORTANT: Conform with safety precautions! Overview of topics: Equipment Best before date of consumables Grinding and cleaning Flame-coating Primer coat Gluing coat Hardening times Disposing

 Bonding Steel Parts

IMPORTANT: Conform with safety precautions ! Overview of topics: Equipment Expiry date of adhesive Grinding and cleaning Gluing coat Hardening times After treatment of bonding surfaces Disposi

 Corrosion Protection

NOTE: Following repairs, the corrosion protection work already begins with the correct removal of the PVC undercoating, antinoise compound and seam seals. 1.0 Removing sealing materials: IMPORTANT:


 Mechanical Attachments

REPLACING SELECTOR SHAFT SEAL (GA6HP26Z) Special tools required: 24 5 361 24 5 362 24 5 364 24 5 366 IMPORTANT: After completion of work, check transmission fluid level. Use only the approved transmission fluid. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in serious damage to the aut

 Replacing Cover For Longitudinal Member With Left Door Pillar (Partial Replacement B - Pillar)

Read contents of Body, General. Spot-weld bonding is used on this vehicle. Observe specific procedure. Remove or cover those vehicle components in the repair area which are susceptible to heat or dust. Use only approved spot-welding apparatus for repairs! Place vehicle on straightening bench. F

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