BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Exhaust System (6-Cylinder)


 Exhaust System, Complete

REMOVING AND INSTALLING COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEM (N52K) Special tools required: 31 2 220 31 2 220 SUPPORT PLATE WARNING: Scalding hazard! Only perform this work after engine has cooled down. Danger

 Mufflers, Petrol

REPLACING REAR MUFFLER (N52K) Special tools required: 00 2 210 31 2 220 WARNING: Scalding hazard! Only perform these tasks after exhaust system has cooled down. Support exhaust system with speci

 Exhaust Manifold

REMOVING AND INSTALLING/REPLACING FRONT EXHAUST MANIFOLD (N52K) Necessary preliminary tasks: Remove rear exhaust manifold. NOTE: The oxygen sensors are in danger of being damaged when the exhaust



Depending on the equipment, the following cameras and sensors are installed in the vehicle: Front camera. Cameras behind the windshield. Top view cameras. Rearview camera. Infrared camera. Front radar sensor. Radar sensors, side, front. Radar sensors, side, rear. Ultrasound sensors in the

 Mounting Engine On Assembly Stand (N52K)

Special tools required: 00 1 450 ASSEMBLY STAND 11 3 370 11 4 440 11 9 261 11 9 265 IMPORTANT: Aluminium screws/bolts must be replaced each time they are released. The end faces of aluminium screws/bolts are painted blue for the purposes of reliable identification. Jointing torque and angl

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