BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Removing And Installing/Replacing Seat Cover For Left Or Right Rear Seat

BMW X5 (G05) 2019-2025 Service & Repair Manual / Seats / 3Rd Seat Row / Removing And Installing/Replacing Seat Cover For Left Or Right Rear Seat

Special tools required:

Necessary preliminary tasks:

Open tension cable (1).

Disengage welt (2) from seat frame.

Disengage tensioning cable over wire eyelets.

Remove seat cover with padding from seat frame.

Release all retainers in marked area.

Remove seat cover from padding.

NOTE: Remove all remnants of retainers from seat cover and support.


Insert new retainer (2) with special tool 52 0 050 and bend closed.

  1. Padding
  2. Retainer
  3. Trim wire in padding
  4. Trim wire in seat cover
  5. Seat cover

Replacing seat cover:

Pull trim wires out of seat cover.

Cut new seat cover to size and insert trim wires.


Special tools required:

Necessary preliminary tasks:

Disengage welt in marked area from backrest frame.

Move backrest back.

Lever out welt in marked area from backrest frame.

Remove backrest cover with padding.

Open Velcro-type fastener in marked area.

Detaching cover and padding:


Insert new retainer (2) with special tool 52 0 050 and bend closed.

  1. Padding
  2. Retainer
  3. Trim wire in padding
  4. Trim wire in seat cover
  5. Backrest cover

Replacing seat cover:


 Maintenance & General Information

 Special Tool

SPECIAL TOOL BOARD I Order number: 00 0 010 Special tool board I SPECIAL TOOL BOARD II COMPLETE In conjunction with: 00 0 230 This board can be used in a min. 4 m long moving special tool cabinet. No

 Film Sheet

FILM SHEET, GERMAN Order number: 00 0 051 Film sheet, German Fig. 5: Identifying Caption Board: "SPECIAL TOOLS" (00 0 050) FILM SHEET, ENGLISH Order number: 00 0 052 Film sheet, English Fig. 6: Iden


 Storage compartment in the center console

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 Thermostat And Connecting

REMOVING AND INSTALLING/REPLACING COOLANT THERMOSTAT (N62) WARNING: Danger of scalding! Only perform these tasks on an engine that has cooled down. Recycling: Catch and dispose of drained coolant. Observe country-specific waste-disposal regulations. Follow instructions for working on cooling syste

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