BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Cross Member

Minimum set: Mechanical tools

Note: To hold the engine when removing and installing the front axle support, the oil sump and the transmission

Engine: M10, M20, M20B25, M20B27, M21, M30, M30B34, M30Tur, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44, M47, M47T2, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57D25, M57D30, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62, M62VAN, M67, M67TU, M70, M73, M88, N40, N42, N45, N46, N52, N54, N62, N62TU, N73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US, S54, S62, S85, W10, W11, W17

Storage location: Single

SI number: 1 14 01 (766)

Order number: 00 0 200

Cross member

Consisting of:

1 = 00 0 201 Locating bridge

2 = 00 0 202 Spindle with hook

3 = 00 0 203 Extension

Note: For extending locating bridge 00 0 201 Model series: E65

4 = 00 0 204 Adapter support (2 x)

In conjunction with: 00 0 200

5 = 00 0 205 Extension

Note: Model series: R50, R53

6 = 00 0 206 Support foot (2 x)

Note: Model series: E30, E31, E32, E34, E36, Z3 6-cylinder engines only

7 = 00 0 207 Support foot (2 x)

Note: Model: Z3 / 4-cylinder engines only

8 = 00 0 208 Support foot (2 x) with rests (4 x)

Note: Model series: E38, E39, E46, E60, E65

9 = 00 0 209 Chain with hook

Note: Version as 11 0 003

10 = 00 0 451 Profile strip

Maintenance & General Information
Fig. 25: Identifying Cross Member (00 0 200)

Note: Model series: E85

11 = 00 0 452 Supports (2 x)

Note: Model series: E70

In conjunction with: 00 0 208


Note: For cable cabinet

Series: All models

Storage location: Cable cabinet

SI number: 0 02 99 (399)

Order number: 00 0 210

Conversion kit

Maintenance & General Information
Fig. 26: Identifying Conversion Kit (00 0 210)


Note: Dimensions: (LxHxD) 2.05 m x 2.10 m x 0.65 m For extended accommodation of special tools.

IMPORTANT! Use Order No. 00 1 000 to erect a complete 6 m long special tool cabinet.

SI number: 0 01 00 (549)

Order number: 00 0 220

Special tool cabinet, length 2 m

Consisting of:

1 = 00 0 221 Frame with roller shutter

Note: Basic frame for erecting a separate 2 m long special tool cabinet. NOTE: If ordered individually as a mounting frame, the complete scope of delivery must already be present under Order No. 00 0 220. Overall length with a mounting frame: 4 m

In conjunction with: 00 0 225 / Not available without roller shutter for stability reasons!

2 = 00 0 222 Side panel, left

Note: Required only once for erecting the basic frame

3 = 00 0 223 Side panel, right

Note: Required only once for erecting the basic frame

4 = 00 0 224 Large special tool board 2 m x 1 m

Note: This special tool board serves as the rear panel of basic and mounting frames and is the basis for large stationary and moving special tool boards.

In conjunction with: Hook set and films

5 = 00 0 225 Roller shutter, lockable

Note: Included in scope of delivery 00 0 221. This order number is for reordering purposes only.

6 = 00 0 226 Side frame

Note: Required only once for setting up the basic frame

Maintenance & General Information
Fig. 27: Identifying Special Tool Cabinet, Length 2 M (00 0 220)


In conjunction with: Special tool boards, complete

Note: For retrofitting to a large special tool board for use in a special tool cabinet with a minimum length of 4 m.

Order number: 00 0 230

Large board (2x1 m) with set of castors

Consisting of:

2 = 00 0 232 Castors, top, for large board

3 = 00 0 233 Castors, bottom, for large board


In conjunction with: Film and hook set

Note: For retrofitting a special tool cabinet from 2 m in length.

SI number: 0 01 02 (810)

Order number: 00 0 240

Small moving special tool board without films

Consisting of:

1 = 00 0 241 Small special tool board 0.65 m x 1 m

2 = 00 0 242 Castors, top

Note: For moving a small special tool board

3 = 00 0 243 Castors, bottom

Note: For moving a small special tool board

Maintenance & General Information
Fig. 28: Identifying Small Moving Special Tool Board Without Films (00 0 240)



Note: With mounting material. SI number: 0 01 00 (549) Order number: 00 0 250 Shelf Fig. 29: Identifying Shelf (00 0 250) DRAWER BLOCK Note: With 5 lockable drawers SI number: 0 01 00 (549) Order num

 Hook Set

HOOK SET, COMPLETE, FOR 00 1 300, USA VERSION Order number: 00 1 340 Hook set, complete, for 00 1 300, USA version Consisting of: 1 = 00 1 341 Hook set for film no. 1 USA-Version 2 = 00 1 342 Hook set

 Hand Pump

Note: For Lifetime oil filling SI number: 1 01 98 (294) Order number: 00 2 080 Hand pump Fig. 36: Identifying Hand Pump (00 2 080) EXHAUST PIPE CUTTER Note: For V2a pipe Series: E12, E21, E23, E24, E


 Replacing Crankshaft (N52K)

Special tools required: 00 2 510 DIAL GAUGE WITH FEELER 00 9 120 TORQUE ANGLE MEASURING DIAL 11 4 370 11 4 440 11 4 470 11 9 360 IMPORTANT: Aluminium-magnesium materials. No steel screws/bolts may be used due to the threat of electrochemical corrosion. A magnesium crankcase requires alumin

 Drive readiness - Driving

Drive readiness Turning on drive readiness 1. Depress the brake pedal. 2. Press the Start/Stop button. Turning off drive-ready state Steptronic transmission: 1. Engage selector lever position P with the vehicle stopped. 2. Press the Start/Stop button. The engine is switched off. 3. Set the park

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