Storage compartments
General information
The vehicle interior contains multiple storage
compartments for stowing objects.
Safety information
Loose objects or devices with a cable connection
Opening the storage
Press onto the cover.
Closing the storage
Pull the cover on the handle bar back.
Storage compartment in
the rear center console
The rear of the center cons
Front cup holder
Safety information
Unsuitable containers in the cup holders may
damage the cup holders or be thrown about
the car's interior in the event of an accident, an
evasive maneuver,
Special tools required:
52 0 050
Necessary preliminary tasks:
Remove front trim.
Open tension cable (1).
Disengage welt (2) from seat frame.
Disengage tensioning cable over wire eyelets.
Remove seat cover with padding from seat frame.
Release all retainers in marked area.
Remove seat cove
Special tools required:
34 1 260.
NOTE: The thickness of the outer brake pads can be determined without
removing the
If necessary, move car until opening for brake pad wear indicator (brake pad)
can be seen through rim styling.
Insert special tool 34 1 260 through rim into opening for b