BMW X5 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW X5: Replacing Shaft Seal For Drive Flange On Rear Differential (Inserted Propeller Shaft)

BMW X5 (G05) 2019-2024 Service & Repair Manual / Rear Axle / Final Drive With Cover / Replacing Shaft Seal For Drive Flange On Rear Differential (Inserted Propeller Shaft)

Special tools required:

IMPORTANT: Use only approved gear oils.

Failure to comply with this instruction will result in serious damage to the rear differential!

Necessary preliminary tasks:

Remove retaining clip (1) and insert nut (2) with diaphragm seal.

Rear Axle
Fig. 36: Identifying Retaining Clip And Nut

Mark position of flange nut (1) to bevel pinion (2).

Rear Axle
Fig. 37: Identifying Flange Nut And Bevel Pinion

Release flange nut with special tools 33 5 050 and 33 5 070; to do so, grip bevel pinion with special tools 33 5 060 and 33 5 070.

Rear Axle
Fig. 38: Identifying Special Tools (33 5 050),(33 5 070) And (33 5 0 60)

Withdraw shaft seal with special tool 00 5 010.

Rear Axle
Fig. 39: Identifying Shaft Seal With Special Tool (00 5 010)

Coat sealing lips of new shaft seal and sealing face of bevel pinion with differential oil.

Drive in shaft seal with special tool 33 5 080.

Rear Axle
Fig. 40: Identifying Special Tool (33 5 080)

Clean bevel pinion thoroughly to remove remnants of screw - locking agent.

Rear Axle
Fig. 41: Identifying Bevel Pinion

Check dust cover for damage, replace if necessary.

IMPORTANT: Clean flange nut thoroughly to remove remnants of grease and screw-locking agent.

Pack collar insert (1) of flange nut with grease.

Apply a thin coating of grease to shaded area (2) of flange nut.

Coat at least four thread turns of flange nut with "DREI BOND adhesive type 1385".

Rear Axle
Fig. 42: Identifying Collar Insert And Shaded Area Of Flange Nut

IMPORTANT: In order to avoid damaging the rear differential, do not under any circumstances tighten down the flange nut (1) beyond the marker point of the bevel pinion (2).

Rear Axle
Fig. 43: Identifying Flange Nut And Bevel Pinion

Place insert nut (2) with diaphragm seal in flange nut.

Install retaining clip (1).

Rear Axle
Fig. 44: Identifying Retaining Clip And Nut

After installation:


IMPORTANT: In event of oil loss, always check rear differential for traces of wear and damage.

Necessary preliminary tasks:

NOTE: Read and comply with document "Rear differential: Assignment to model series".

Select rear differential:

After installation:


 Final Drive Mounting

REPLACING ALL FRONT RUBBER MOUNTS FOR REAR DIFFERENTIAL MOUNTING Special tools required: 33 4 465 33 4 466 33 5 105 33 5 161 33 5 162 33 5 163 33 5 164 33 5 165 33 5 166 WARNING: Danger to

 Output Shafts

PRESSING OUTPUT SHAFT OUT OF DRIVE FLANGE AND DRAWING IN (OUTPUT SHAFT REMOVED FROM REAR DIFFERENTIAL) Special tools required: 33 2 111 33 2 115 33 2 116 33 2 117 33 2 118 33 2 119 33 2 160 3

 Rear Sub-Frame


 Operation via touchpad

General information Some iDrive functions can be operated using the touchpad on the Controller. Selecting functions 1. "CAR". 2. "Settings". 3. "General settings". 4. "Touchpad". 5. Select the desired setting. Entering letters and numbers Enter characters as they are displayed on the Control

 Replacing Rear Left Side Panel (Partial Replacement, Longitudinal Member Cover Before B-Pillar)

Read contents of Body, General. Spot-weld bonding is used on this vehicle. Observe specific procedure. Use only approved spot-welding apparatus for repairs! Remove or cover those vehicle components in the repair area which are susceptible to heat or dust. Following new body parts are required:

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